Life Unboxed Blog

Unlock The Hidden Benefits Of Hiring Your Kids

Jodie the Mom

Hiring your kids in your business is a great way to boost their resume, teach practical life skills, and add help for those mundane tasks you don’t want to do. 

I have a confession. Like all confessions, I will probably lose my momtrepreneur status. But here goes. I don’t want to grow my business to the point of needing to hire anyone. I know shocking. Every business owner is supposed to want to grow to the point of creating an empire. But that’s not one of my business goals. However, there are things that I don’t enjoy doing, and would like to delegate those tasks to someone else. And that’s when hiring your kids becomes the secret sauce.

I am not a tax professional the purpose of this post is for educational purposes only. I just want to let you know that this is a possibility, and you can discuss with your tax accountant.

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Benefits of Hiring Your Kids
IRS Rules
Motivate Teens for the Future
High School Transcript
Secret to My Success
Why Integrity is Important in Business
Work Life Balance

Journals and Notebooks for Mom + Homeschool Resources






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Music for the intro/outro is Like it Hot by Tenoaxe

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Hiring your kids in your business is a great way to boost their resume, teach practical life skills, and add help for those mundane tasks you don’t want to do. 

I have a confession. Like all confessions, I will probably lose my momtrepreneur status. But here goes. I don’t want to grow my business to the point of needing to hire anyone. I know shocking. Every business owner is supposed to want to grow to the point of creating an empire. But that’s not one of my business goals. However, there are things that I don’t enjoy doing, and would like to delegate those tasks to someone else. And that’s when hiring your kids becomes the secret sauce. 

This post is all about the benefits of hiring your kids and it’s fun too. 

Financial Benefits of Hiring Your Kids

There are actually tax benefits to hiring your kids. Now, I am not a tax accountant. This is just to inform you it can be done, so you can seek professional advice. You can pay wages to your kids, write it off on your taxes, but your kids do not need to pay taxes on the money you paid to them (this may vary). This reduces your overall taxable income. 

There are limitations. Your child must be under 18, and your business needs to be a sole proprietorship or partnership, where each partner is a parent to the child. If the income paid to your child is less than the standard deduction amount, then your child won’t have to pay federal income tax.  

Another option when hiring your kids is to start an IRA for them. Since they will have earned income, you can contribute to one on their behalf. There are a lot of benefits of hiring your kids but there are also IRS rules to hiring your kids be sure to do your homework. 

A few things to discuss with your accountant: what are your state income tax rules and how do you show this on your taxes? 

Teaching Life Skills and Boosting Their Resume

I’ve hired all my teens at some point. I wanted to give them some job skills and help them boost their resume. When you are thinking about how to motivate teens for the future, hiring your kids is a great way to start.  

It gives you an opportunity to teach them valuable life skills, including responsibility and a strong work ethic. Show your kids, by your own example, the value of hard work. And let them appreciate how hard mom does work. 

Start building good work habits in your kids. Like meeting a deadline, working with excellence, and so much more. Teaching your kids the importance of meeting a deadline is one of the most important life skills. You are teaching them to be men and women of their word.  

You can also add it to their high school transcript as work study. Or Career Exploration Internship. Keep track of the hours worked and give credit accordingly. 

You can give your kids the opportunity to explore different fields through the tasks you give them. They learn how to communicate professionally, how to write an invoice, and how to suggest different ideas.

 Any tasks that you give to your kids can also be added to their resume. My kids have added work done for me as previous work experience for all their job applications. 

Hiring your kids gives their resume an added boost when they are ready to look for a job. 

Reach Your Business Goals by Hiring Your Kids

One reason I am not looking to hire other people in my business is I don’t want the stress of managing a team. Sometimes success in life isn’t a six-figure business.  

Sometimes growth isn’t attainable without adding people to your business. If that is something you don’t want to do, then define success in other ways. Success can be defined as being the queen of your schedule, buying curriculum you want, or paying for vacation.  

But if you want to increase your revenue, so you can go on an epic vacation instead of a weekend getaway, hiring your kids is a great way to take some of the mundane tasks off your plate. Yes, you will need to train them and show them what to do. But once you’ve invested that time, you can pass off the task to them. 

You also know what their strengths are, so you can lean into those. Or help them discover an ability they didn’t know they possessed. 

Strengthen Family Bonds

Working together can strengthen relationships and create lasting memories. Your kids also get to see more than just the mom side of you. They get to see how you manage your business. The possibilities that entrepreneurship can bring. And why integrity is important in business. 

Spending more time together will also improve family communication. Which is the foundation for any relationship—personal and business. You can model and they can practice healthy communication skills. 

The more time spent together can also help to maintain a healthy work life balance. You are spending more time together, and your kids will remind you when it is time to stop. 

Hiring your kids allows you to spend more time with the people you like the most.

 Jobs You Can Hire Your Kids For

Let’s talk about jobs you can hire your kids for.  


Yep, I’ve had them sort returned mail, so I could update a database. At the time, my oldest was around 11, and I just needed him to match addresses for me. 

 2. Amazon A+ Content

I use Amazon KDP to publish my books (you can follow me, and my daughter creates all of my A+ content for me. The next step will be to get her to add it to Amazon. 

3. Typing

Need written text moved to a digital format. This is a great task for kids. And they can practice their typing skills.

4. Social Media Posts

Give your kids the text, tell them what you are looking for, and let them create social media posts for you. Canva is a tool that all my kids use, including my 10-year-old. This is a great app to add to the resume.

5. Video Editing

Yes, my second son has edited all my videos

 and podcasts. He started when he was 13, and still does it. 

Are there jobs that your kids can do with just a little instruction? 

Conclusion: Hiring Your Kids in Your Business

Hiring your kids can be a rewarding experience that benefits both your family and your business. Do you hire your kids? How do you do it? Join the conversation in the Rebel Moms Club.


FAQ for Hiring Your Kids

Q: What age can I start hiring my children in my business?

A: Generally speaking, children as young as 7 can perform light duties in a family business, but it’s essential to check federal and state labor laws. .


Q: How do I ensure my children are legally employed in my business?

A: To ensure legal employment, keep accurate records of hours worked, wages paid, and job duties. Additionally, consult with a tax professional or legal advisor to ensure compliance with labor laws and tax regulations.


Q: Can hiring my children help with college savings and retirement?

A: Yes, the income your children earn can be contributed to a 529 college savings plan or other educational savings accounts, providing a head start on saving for college expenses. Since they are earning income, you can also create a Roth IRA for them.


Q: What types of tasks are suitable for children in a family business?

A: This varies by age and ability. General administrative duties are a good place to start. 


Q: How can I balance work and family life when hiring my children?

A: Establish clear boundaries between work and family time. Schedule regular family meetings to discuss both business and personal matters, and prioritize open communication to maintain a healthy work-life balance.