Life Unboxed Blog

25 Easy Homeschool Co-op Class Ideas

Jodie the Mom

You want to teach a co-op class, but you don't know what to teach? Here are 25 easy homeschool co-op class ideas you can put together, and you don't need to be an expert.

Here are co-op class ideas that I've taught, the kids have participated in, or been in our co-op. I tried to offer as many ideas for the class. Ideas for art classes, literature and communication, history and geography, and more!

 Show notes and links:


Art Co-op Curriculum
Find Ideas for Classes on Skillshare:

What About Socialization
Disastrous Science Experiments
Find a Co-op Near You
Reading Journal for Teen Boys
Reading Journal for Teen Girls
Reading Journal for Elementary Students
50 State Unit Study 

Dot-Grid Journals and Notebooks for Mom 



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Music for the intro/outro is Like it Hot by Tenoaxe

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You want to teach a co-op class, but you don't know what to teach? Here are 25 easy homeschool co-op class ideas you can put together, and you don't need to be an expert.


Co-op classes are a great way to add socialization to your homeschool …for your kids and for you. I know it can feel overwhelming at first. You aren't sure how to teach a homeschool co-op class. Or you just don't know what you can offer. Don't worry, mom, I got you. Here are some homeschool co-op class ideas you can run with.


The Benefits of Joining a Co-op

I am a tremendous supporter of families joining a co-op. There are so many benefits of participating in a co-op. Your kids get a chance to take classes you may not have time to add to your homeschool day. They get to experience another parent's expertise. 


Co-op classes really offer wide-range subjects to choose from. Whether you are already interested in the subject, or you might be interested in it. You can find out.


Let's face it mom, we are the best teachers for our kids, but it is nice when we don't need to teach every subject. 


One subject I always encourage my kids to take in our co-op is science. I am not a fan of doing science experiments. The kids get a chance to do the fun experiments, and I don't have to teach it. Or clean up after the fire extinguisher is let loose. Win-win.


Find a co-op near you.


25 Homeschool Co-op Class Ideas

Here are co-op class ideas that I've taught, the kids have participated in, or been in our co-op. I tried to offer as many ideas for the class. If you are unsure on how to actually teach it and structure, then read How to Teach a Homeschool Co-op Class. This structure can work for just about any class.


Art Homeschool Co-op Classes

  1. Art History

I've taught this class for several semesters. From my experience of teaching, I put together a curriculum that you can add to your homeschool or teach a co-op class. It is everything you need (except for the actual books) that you will need to teach a class.


Here is the best part about this class…you don't need to be an artist to teach it. I am not an artist. Although, my husband tells me that I have an inner creative that is tired of being held hostage and trying to break free. But I am not an artist, yet I love teaching this class.


It is very hands on, with a lot of activities. If you want to dip your toes into the waters of teaching, then this is the perfect homeschool co-op class to start with. 


  1. Comic Book Drawing

If you have talent or if you just love comic books. Then this would be such a fun class to teach. You can get the pages off Pinterest or make them yourself. It is pretty easy to do.


Teach creative writing through the medium of comic book writing. Let your imagination run wild. 


You can even add biographies of famous comic book writers.


Use the entire semester for the students to write an entire comic book. They can work on it each week.


  1. Perspective Drawing

This requires come expertise, but it is a very popular class for middle school and high school age. If you have the skills, then teach this class. You don't need to be an expert, though. Just have a basic understanding of how to do it.


  1. Model Building

My boys loved this class. It was small metal models they put together and worked on in each class. You don't need any skills for this. Just an ability to read instructions. And this was a popular class.


  1. Arts and Crafts

This is one of those classes that you can do anything with and with any age group. Get cozy on the couch and start scrolling through Pinterest to get some inspiration.


  1. Christmas Ornaments

Another fun class for any age group. It really only requires scrolling through Pinterest and picking ornaments to make. 


  1. Scrapbooking

For one semester, my daughter took a scripture scrapbooking class. They wrote out different Bible verses and decorated the pages. So it was really easy to do. The teacher made it an all-girls class, and that was the best part for her. 


Literature and Communication Co-op Classes

  1. Book Club

Pick the age, and then pick a book that you would want to read and discuss. The kids read a portion of the book during the week. Then you meet to discuss what they read. If you love to read, this would be a great class to teach.


  1. Creative Writing

Moms everywhere will thank you for offering this class in co-op. For several parents, writing is a very hard subject to teach. Having someone else help with this is every parent's dream. 


  1. Drama

This is always one of the most popular co-op classes. You don't need to be skilled in drama. Pick a script or short skits and work on them week to week. Kids love to perform.


  1. Speech

This is one of those classes that parents really appreciate being offered. It gives the kids an opportunity to learn public speaking and how to present ideas in a logical and persuasive way. 


There are many books out there that you can use to teach this class. Pick one and use it as your guide to teach.


  1. Reading Journal

Teach kids how to read a book and comprehend the story. This would be such a fun class. Your students can use this reading journal. You can read a picture book during class and then answer the questions in the journal together. 


This is a great way for kids to hear someone else's perception of the story, to get better at inference, and to think beyond the story. 


You can also use this book tracker for teen boys, or this reading notebook for teen girls. 


History & Geography Homeschool Co-op Class Ideas

  1. United States

Get a map and start teaching the states and capitals. This would be an excellent elementary class. Map work is not always top priority, so this is a great class that will really help parents out. 


If you don't know where to start, then download the free 50 State Unit Study.


  1. Europe

There is so much to teach here. You can teach history, geography, or a combination of both. Even famous people from Europe. Let the creative juices flow!


There are plenty of books you can pick up from the library to teach this class.


  1. Africa

There has been so much change on this continent in recent history that it is often not understood. Start with geography. Teach about the Nile and pyramids. Talk about the animals of the continent. I think the hardest part will be figuring out what to teach and what to skip.


  1. Food from Around the World

This was a class that I helped in, and it was a tremendous hit. The best part is that it doesn't need to be elaborate. It can be very simple, yet still incredibly engaging and interesting.


Teach a little about the country. Introduce the food. Get the kids feedback.


  1. State History

Even as homeschoolers, this may be a requirement in your state. Co-op is a great place to offer a class on state history. Parents get to check the box, and we fulfill the requirement. 


  1. Government

Many high schoolers, not all, want to take a deeper dive into understanding how the government works. And there are several homeschool publishers that offer this as a subject. Grab one of the curriculum books and use it as a guide for topics to teach in the class.


You can add mock debates to make it more interactive as well. Or throw a cat among the pigeons and bring a controversial topic to discuss. Learning to listen to someone else's view is a skill we are sorely in need of. 


  1. 7 Wonders of the World

This would be a great class to create a lapbook for (I will see what I come up with). What a great way to learn about the world through some of the most magnificent achievements. 


  1. Major Events in History

Pick what you want to teach and discuss. This could span any age group. You could really create a class that is fun, interesting, and engaging.


Science Homeschool Co-Op Class Ideas

  1. Stem Tales

This was a class that my sister came up with, and it was a hit. She read a story, like The Three Little Pigs. Then the kids had to construct a house the Big Bad Wolf (a hair dryer) couldn't blow down.


For each class, a simplified engineering design process was applied: design, test, improve. So the kids started learning some basic principles as well.


  1. Paper Bag Engineering

This is a fun class, especially for the hands-on learners. I've seen this for elementary students, but it can definitely be more challenging for middle school and high school students.


This is how it works. On a 3x5 card, write the challenge. For example, build a bridge that a hot wheel car can drive across, make a car that will roll, create a container that can hold water. Inside the paper bag, you have items they will use to build the bridge, car, or container. For example, popsicle sticks and liquid glue. Or pasta to build a car. A roll of tin foil to make the container.


For middle school and high school students, I would turn the class into something like Chopped. This is a show on the Food Network. Chefs are given a basket of ingredients and one is always a wildcard. They need to use every ingredient in the basket. This would be a fun way to make paper bag engineering more challenging for older students, and also a lot of fun.


  1. Hands on Science Experiments

Another winner for the non-science moms. When my son was in second grade, he loved to do science experiments, but mom was not any fun. One mom offered this as a co-op class, and it was a hit for all the kids. 


They did exploding volcanoes, balloon cars, and so much more. The best part was, I didn't have to teach it.



  1. Board Games

This is always a popular class for middle and high school. It is super easy. Bring different board games every week, teach the kids how to play, then play them for the class. Yep, it is that simple and the kids love it.


  1. Cooking

These are always popular classes. You don't need to be a world class chef either. If you like to cook, then pick some easy recipes to teach the kids. It will be a hit.


Conclusion: Homeschool Co-Op Class Ideas

I hope your creative juices are flowing. You can turn any interest into a fun co-op class. 


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